What is this?

This is a very long, open and public letter to Baby Bean McGyver, the little boy curently residing in my belly, to be evicted in December, likely during Christmas dinner.

I promise to back everything up in print to read to him during the sleepless nights. Oh, and in case you are wondering, the title did come from a horribly catchy Gwen Stefani song that is always stuck in my jukebox brain.

I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing. Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, 2 August 2013

Week 19 - Mango Baby

Hey baby,

Guess what?!?!? You're a BOY!!!!!! Well, I guess you knew that, but anyway....

I saw you on the scan today and you were there, all healthy, pretty, perfect, wiggly, big and BOY!!
I believe at some stage today my heart will explode out of my chest, that's how happy and excited to know you a bit better! Daddy couldn't come to the appointment, but he was there on the phone when the lady told both of us that you indeed have a penis.

I can now start planning our baby shower and buying all boy-related gear, like blue jumpsuits, a bycicle, phillips screwdriver and maybe a chainsaw.

e big, the size of a mango, and weighs around 300g. My belly is finally showing (woke up one day and there it was! Growing everyday.), just enough to make my jeans uncomfortable; and the boobs are also friends with a new nursing bra that took me over an hour to choose. I think you'll be friends with the boobs and the weird nursing bra soon enough.

We've been busy buying your stuff and I'm happy to report that your room has all the essentials: a cot, a chair, a dresser and a stereo for all the rock'n roll you'll be playing.

Babies that were born lately: Kim Kardashian had a girl named North West (Don't even ask...), Prince William and Kate had a little boy named George Louis Alexander (Don't worry, we've got something easier planned for you) and Juliet and Brent had their little boy too, named Riley.

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