What is this?

This is a very long, open and public letter to Baby Bean McGyver, the little boy curently residing in my belly, to be evicted in December, likely during Christmas dinner.

I promise to back everything up in print to read to him during the sleepless nights. Oh, and in case you are wondering, the title did come from a horribly catchy Gwen Stefani song that is always stuck in my jukebox brain.

I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing. Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, 31 August 2013


Hey baby,

  I was planning on starting this post about 10 minutes ago, but the cat came over and demanded my attention. Then left. He's like this, you know. Anyway, in other news, today I am really wanting shrimp and just found out that I actually can eat them (making sure they are well-cooked), which makes me super happy. I guess it made you super happy too, because you started doing backflips Cirque-du-Soleil-style at the same time.

   Tomorrow, September 1st, is Father's Day here in New Zealand, so I thought maybe we could talk a little bit about this man that is responsible for half of you. We'll find out what half soon enough, I guess.
  This is him, last week, at the zoo. I'm happy to report that I have several pictures of him eating strange things, picking his nose, making funny faces:

 This is both of us a few months ago, looking pretty as always.

 This was a great day during the summer, very close to his birthday, and he was showing off his toys.


So, what to say about Daddy? Yes, he always wears a hat. Has a drawer full of them. And sunglasses (actually, I always have them on too. We'll find you a baby sized one.). He rocks the beard now, but there was a goatee phase and even a baby-face-clean-shaved phase.
Underneath the hat, there's a lovely light brown, soft and straight head of hair. And underneath that hat, there is a lot more.

There's this wonderful smile and the sense of humour of a 12 year old. There's a love of animals and a deep desire for DIY, even if it doesn't always turns out...perfect. There's a very handy man, who knows his way around machinery, big and small. There's a passion for everything with an engine, from remote controled cars to real airplanes and war tanks. There is a great shot, even if he doesn't go out hunting as much as he wants to. There's a man who respects weapons and understands discipline, but had a rebelious fase and came out of it even better. There's a hard worker, a creative one, who thinks outside the box to solve everyday problems. There is a sometimes doubtful sense of fashion. There's an espectacular skilled pilot. There's a great chef. There's an amazing friend, that goes above and beyond for a mate in need. There's a man who cried during our wedding vows. There's a man I chose to live for and with, whom I respect and love for everything he does and is.

There's a man who puts his hand on my pregnant belly and asks every 5 seconds "Is he moving now?", because he is in awe of this little alien thing we've created. There's a man who's been trying to convince me to buy a stroller from the second that faint second line appeared. There's a man who listens while I go on and on about Ergobabies, birth plans and other random things we are discovering together. There's a man who can now be seen in baby stores, picking up teeny tiny socks from racks and showing them to me with such love in his eyes, I can barely breathe.

Your Daddy, bean, is a man. He is flawed and wonderful and real. I can assure you he is going to make mistakes: trust me on this, we've known each other for 10 years. Don't worry one bit, because every single mistake will be balanced with love, fun, laughter, learning, living and hopefully, growing. You, me, him, we'll grow together. Deal?

Random fact about Daddy you'll use for your advantage at some stage: he once had his tongue pierced. Ear too. It lasted a long time. He grew out of it, thank God.

Tuesday, 27 August 2013


Hey baby!

You have people coming over here to visit now, thanks to your insanely proud Grandpa, so be nice and say thank you when people show up! =)

We had an appointment with Hannah the midwife yesterday, so I came by to let you know that we are doing very well, thank you.
Here's how it goes: We have time with Hannah every four weeks until 28 weeks, then it becomes once every two weeks (we talked about this yesterday, which means its getting close. Eeek!) then once a week until 38 weeks, then even more often, depending on how things are progressing.

The  appointment generally runs like this: I go in - she has an office at the Plunket building, we talk about how I'm feeling, if you're moving, how's my planning and everything baby-related is doing and all the weird questions I can come up with. Yesterday was spray-tans, circumcision and Nutella. Then she takes my blood pressure, which is always good, then she makes me pee on a stick to check my blood sugar, which is also always good, then she weighs me to make sure I'm not lying when I say that I only gained 1kg so far and then I lay down on the couch and she feels me up. Or more likely, she feels you up. You are growing well, she can tell by the size of The Bump. Then the best part, she uses a Doppler thingy to listen to your heartbeat, always fast and very steady.

Then I go home feeling all happy and giddy because I can hear your heartbeat and that's just the coolest thing ever.

After the appointment I took my time and wandered around Ashburton picking up bits and pieces and by the time I got home, I was exhausted, but finally did something I was looking forward to: I made something for you. Here it is, baby.

It matches the other thing I made for the nursery a couple of weeks ago:

I hope you like it!

Oh, and here's a picture of how I look from the outside at the moment, so you don't confuse me with all the other random people that are going to be there when you are born.

I'll be the one looking like a train-wreck, but remember, no matter how scary and scared I look at that particular moment, I love you a lot, bean!

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Week 22 Papaya Baby

Hey baby,

How u' doin?

This week has been great! You went to the Zoo yesterday and we had heaps of fun. It must've been a discount-for-pregnant-ladies-day, because the place was packed with bumps and bubs and strollers. We got to feed the giraffes and thought about bringing one home as they are so friendly, but gave up on the idea, once we realized that it probably wouldn't fit under the bed.

Speaking of strollers. Boy, I'll tell you what: the indian ladies know what it's all about: carrying for as long as humanly possible, then floor. Because the thought  of purchasing a stroller for you is doing my head in!!! It's worse than picking a car. I can't decide! I'll keep you updated, and if push comes to shove, you know how it's gonna be: carrying, then floor! And don't even get me started on car seats, because I need a special 40-hour training for that,

Super special moment of this week: we saw you move. Not on the scan, but from the outside of my belly. We were chilling on the couch at night and you were wiggling around like crazy, so I lift up my shirt and "POP", this alien thing on the side of the bump! Amazing! Daddy put his hand on it and felt it too, he was so excited, we were giggling like teenagers.

Speaking of the bump, it has become its own thing. It should probably be capitalized "The Bump" from now on and have its own Twitter account, because it's out there! My wardrobe is suffering, for which I'll make up when its time to pick your outfits, specially the cute ones for Haloween. Be warned!

Music for this week: Disney Station at Pandora. My inner child and you are boogying to the classics of Beauty and The Beast, The Little Mermaid and more. You can hear now, so we'll be boogying to a lot of music, all day, every day! 

Friday, 16 August 2013

Week 21 - Carrot Baby

Hey Baby!

You are now the size of a carrot, which is huge. My belly is growing by the hour and my jeans are history. Thank God I've learned that JeansWest makes a maternity line.

Yesterday Daddy and I took on the task of decorating the walls in the nursery and I'm so proud that you're going to have a nice and cozy place to rest, eat, play and be happy. Whenever I go in there, I try to picture you in it, what sounds you're making, games you'll be playing, how you're going to be just naughty enough to make me laugh.You got gifts, new clothes from the our lovely neighourbs, cute outfits with trucks on them, and your supply of nappies and stuff is growing just as quickly as my waist.
You're moving around a lot, specially during the night and when Daddy puts his head on my belly. You are also giving me terrible heartburn, keeping me awake at night. Practice eh?? That's ok, other than that, we are doing pretty good, you and I.

Oh, and I've booked our antenatal classes, so rest assured that when you arrive, we'll at least know how to change your diapers. I apologize in advance for all the other screw-ups that are sure to follow.

Everybody loves your name and I'm doing my best to stop calling you Bean, but not making any promises.

On other related pregnancies: Kelly W is due anytime now; Michelle announced on FB and is 14 weeks, so you'll have a friend by Valentine's day; Roberta is having a little boy named Miguel and we are hoping for a same day-delivery, her and I; Kelly P is doing great and Elai is taking care of herself to give the world a healthy baby boy too. So this is the year of the Boy.

Sunday, 4 August 2013


Hey Baby!

This is an unannounced post to say a few important things I keep forgetting to say:

First, we have a new old car that will fit you, me, Daddy, Pepsi and even the cat if he decides to come along for the ride.
Second, Austin and his family are lending you their bassinet for which I am most grateful, since you won't be using it for long, and Gian and his family are lending you their baby capsule, for which I am also most grateful, for the same reason as above.

Third and very important issue: Daddy and I have decided on a name for you, after a looot of discussion, lists, numerology and google consultations. You, my dear Bean, shall be named...are you ready for it????

Oliver Mazziotti Macario

And on that note, I have to say you are momentariously famous even before birth! This afternoon, after a little bit of snooping around, I tweeted about deciding your name for sure, after discovering that the actor who plays Geroge Weasley in Harry Potter is also named Oliver and his birthday is the same as your Daddy's.

And what do you know??? He tweeted me back!!!
Here it is:

So yeah, I'm super excited now!

I sincerely hope you like your name.

I also hope you are kind, smart, funny, generous, honest, pacient, calm. We hope all sorts of things for you, Bean, and on top of it all, we hope that the world will be better for you and that you get to see a lot of it in your life, for there is no greater knowledge than seeing the world with your own eyes.

So I'll always give you a home, but I hope I can also give you wings.

Friday, 2 August 2013

Week 19 - Mango Baby

Hey baby,

Guess what?!?!? You're a BOY!!!!!! Well, I guess you knew that, but anyway....

I saw you on the scan today and you were there, all healthy, pretty, perfect, wiggly, big and BOY!!
I believe at some stage today my heart will explode out of my chest, that's how happy and excited to know you a bit better! Daddy couldn't come to the appointment, but he was there on the phone when the lady told both of us that you indeed have a penis.

I can now start planning our baby shower and buying all boy-related gear, like blue jumpsuits, a bycicle, phillips screwdriver and maybe a chainsaw.

e big, the size of a mango, and weighs around 300g. My belly is finally showing (woke up one day and there it was! Growing everyday.), just enough to make my jeans uncomfortable; and the boobs are also friends with a new nursing bra that took me over an hour to choose. I think you'll be friends with the boobs and the weird nursing bra soon enough.

We've been busy buying your stuff and I'm happy to report that your room has all the essentials: a cot, a chair, a dresser and a stereo for all the rock'n roll you'll be playing.

Babies that were born lately: Kim Kardashian had a girl named North West (Don't even ask...), Prince William and Kate had a little boy named George Louis Alexander (Don't worry, we've got something easier planned for you) and Juliet and Brent had their little boy too, named Riley.